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Admissions & Enrollment Information

“A child has a special way

of adding joy to every day.”












“The joy of the Lord is my strength.” Nehemiah 8:1




Admission of the Physically Challenged Child

It is this center’s policy to not discriminate against persons with disabilities based on disability, and to provide children and parents with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in the center’s programs and services, in compliance with state law and the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. We will review the special needs of each child with the child’s health care provider.  The physically challenged child shall be admitted only if the health care provider considers it advisable. Admission will take into consideration the availability of qualified staff and reasonable accommodations.


Age and maturational Requirements for Admission

For admission, the child must have his/her third or fourth birthday by December 31ST of the year the child is entering school. Children must be toilet-trained, able to go to the restroom alone and able to clean and dress him or herself.


Enrollment Capacity

The maximum number of children that can be enrolled at Kahului Baptist Preschool is eighty (80).

Actual enrollment is dependent upon staff availability in compliance with the Department of Human Services (DHS) requirements regarding group childcare.  The adult-student ratio shall be one adult per eight children for three-year olds and one adult per eight children for four-year olds.


Enrollment Procedures

Upon receipt of a completed application form, registration fee and if there is space available, the child is accepted into the school.  A “Parent Enrollment Agreement” will then be given to the parents to complete.  If there is no space available, the child is placed on a waiting list.

A copy of the Parents’ Handbook will be given to each family upon the enrollment of the child..

In summary, a child is considered officially enrolled in Kahului Baptist Preschool when the following procedures have been completed:

  1. At least one parent or guardian has attended the mandatory orientation meeting before the beginning of the new school year.

  2. The child and a parent have visited the classroom for a one hour scheduled visit.

  3. All the necessary forms have been completed and returned with payment prior to the first day of school.

  4. The parents (or guardians) submit payment of tuition and/or fees by the due dates.

  5. The parents (or guardians) are loyal to, supportive of, and participate in the preschool and abide by its policies.


Medical Requirement for Admission

The Hawaii School Attendance Law requires a completed Pupil’s Health Record (Form 14) to prove that a physical examination and tuberculin test or X-ray were completed within one year before school entrance and that all immunization requirements have been met. All these requirements must be met before a new entrant will be permitted to attend school. The supplemental Form that is attached to the Form 14 immunization form is to be filled out by your doctor.

If your physician has ordered a special medical management procedure for a child in care, an adult trained in the procedure must be on-site whenever the child is present. 


Withdrawal or Dismissal of a Child

The preschool staff will work together with the parents to resolve any problems that may arise before dismissal is considered. The school reserves the right of dismissing a child for the following reasons:

  1. If after entering, the child seems unable to adjust to the school.

  2. If the child is repeatedly disruptive or destructive, or behaves in such a way as to endanger the health and safety of the other children and/or the staff.

  3. For parental neglect, non-support, non-compliance of any school policies. 

  4. Any outburst of anger, words, or actions from adults to any staff member will not be tolerated and will result in dismissal.

  5. Non-payment of tuition.

  6. Absence from school for a period of ten consecutive days or more with no notification from parents.

In the event of a dismissal, all efforts will be made to help in accessing services and/or an alternative placement. 




Other Admission Policies


Child Custody

Any parent or legal guardian restricting a parent or spouse from having custody of the child must submit a certified court copy of the court order.


Disabilities Nondiscrimination policy

It is this center’s policy to not discriminate against persons with disabilities on the basis of disability, and to provide children and parents with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in the center’s programs and services, in compliance with state law and the federal Americans with Disabilities Act.


Disclosure of Information

Names of all children will be posted around the school, school pictures, lists and occasional newsletters.


For health and/or safety concerns, Kahului Baptist Preschool reserves the right to inform the proper state agencies (for example, the Department of Health, Department of Human Services, Child Protective Services, or the Maui Police Department) of the health, physical or emotional status of any enrolled child without the parents’ written consent.  


All other information pertaining to a child or parents of a child shall not be disclosed to persons other than the facility staff unless the parents of the child grant written permission for the disclosure or an emergency arises.


Emergency Closing

In the event of an emergency in which the health and safety of the children are involved, the school reserves the right to close the facility immediately.  Parents will be informed by Brightwheel, phone call or a sign will be posted on the premises.  If public schools are closed due to an impending natural disaster or emergency, preschool parents should also consider the preschool closed.  See the section entitled “Plan of Action” in this handbook for more information.


Idling Vehicles

Vehicles may not be left running while unattended. The operator of the vehicle should turn off the unit and remove the keys from ignition when not in use. 



The preschool is covered for liability insurance with State Farm Insurance Company.


No Smoking Rule

Smoking is not permitted on the church or school premises and/or grounds at any time.


Racial Nondiscrimination Policy

Kahului Baptist Preschool admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.  It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies or school-administered programs.










Setting up a Brightwheel Account


Brightwheel will be used as a communication tool. You will use it to check in/out, communicate with the teacher/office, a place to receive pictures and videos of your child, and you will do all payments through there. Although a lot of these things are done with your phone, we ask you to remain off your phone as you are dropping off and picking up. Your child needs to know they are important and worth this time of undivided attention.


  1. Load the app on your smartphone/tablet/computer.

  2. You will receive an e-mail from Kahului Baptist Preschool that will say, “Action required: Kahului Baptist Preschool has invited you to their BrightWheel community.”

  3. It will give these directions

  4. Download the free iPhone, iPad or Android apps, or sign up from the web.

  5. Choose Create Account, Parent, and then “Join Your School.”

  6. If you do not see your child upon creation, click “Add a child” and enter this 10-character invite code (each parent has their own invite code.)

  7. You will only be able to have access to your child’s information, you will not be able to see anyone else.

  8. Once the account is made, you will need to add your family and an approved pick up list. Choose edit on the top right corner, scroll to the bottom until you see “Add Family and Approved Pickup”. **Only parents will be able to see pictures and communication from the teacher. Authorized pickups will be sent a four digit sign in/out code only.

  9. You will be assigned a four-digit number. This is the number you will use to check in/out. Each person on your pick-up list will have their own number. You may also check in/out with the QR code on Brightwheel.


Once you have signed up, send a message through Brightwheel so we can confirm you have it.


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Financial Obligations

“A child has a special way

of adding joy to every day.”












“The joy of the Lord is my strength.” Nehemiah 8:1​​​



Registration Fee

A registration fee of $200.00 is to be paid to confirm enrollment of the child in our school.  The registration fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.  It covers the cost of the child’s preschool T-shirt, special events in the school, and classroom equipment.


Excursion Fee

In addition to the registration fee, a $125.00 excursion fee will be needed by the first day of school.  We like to go on one “bus” excursion per month.  Examples of a bus excursion are trips to the Maui Tropical Plantation in Waikapu, the Maui Ocean Center in Maalaea, a reef walk in Kihei, Hui No’eau Visual Art Center, Kula Farms and more.  The excursion fee covers the cost of transportation and entrance fees for the entire year.


Monthly Tuition

Parents are responsible for the payment of the tuition for the entire program.  Tuition must be paid to hold the place of a registered child, regardless of whether the child is absent for any length of time or the number of school days in a particular month.  This is because the entire program tuition is computed and then divided into 12 equal monthly payments, regardless of the number of days the school is open during a month.

Tuition is due and payable in advance and without prior notice on the first day of each month. Tuition Payments will be accepted through Brightwheel only. You will receive more information on how to set this up. 

In the event that a child is admitted at any time after the first of the month, the tuition for that month shall be prorated depending on the number of school days remaining in the month.






Other Fees

Denied Payment Fee

If a tuition payment is denied due to insufficient funds, a fee of $20.00 will be assessed. If we receive two denied payments, your account will be turned over to our Preschool Committee for review. 


Late Payment Fee

Any tuition payments made after the 10th day of the month will be assessed a late fee of $20.00.  Non-payment by the end of the month that the tuition is due may result in the dismissal of the child from the preschool.

Non Payment of Tuition


If your tuition payment has not been made in full by the end of the month, you will have 30 days to pay in full or will be asked to remove your child.


Overtime Fee

If a notification call to let us know you will be late picking up your child has not been made before 4:30 P.M., a fee of $5.00 will be charged. In addition, if a child is not picked up by 4:45P.M., an overtime fee of $2.00 per minute will be assessed.

If a child is not picked up by 6:00 P.M. and the school has been unable to contact the child’s parent/guardian or the persons authorized to pick up the child, Child Protective Services may be called.

A parent who is consistently late (past 4:45 P.M.) may be asked to remove his or her child from the preschool.



We regret that we are not always able to provide scholarships.  We do, however, accept children who are helped by other organizations (for example, Preschool Open Doors, Good Beginnings, Pauahi Keiki, Quality Care for Hawaii’s Keiki, Arbor, etc.)

Medical Information



Communicable Diseases


Parents must keep their child at home if their child has any symptoms of a contagious disease.  Parents must report the case to the school immediately once a physician confirms it.  An overall school health alert will be posted.  For confidential reasons, no individual will be identified.  A doctor’s clearance will be needed before your child can come back to school.  Please refer to the Department of Health Reference Guide on page 19 for a list of common ailments.


If a child is kept home, or sent home from school with a temperature of 101 degrees or higher, they may not be permitted to return to school for at least 24 hours or until the fever has passed. 


Emergency Form


The second page of the preschool application serves as an emergency information form.  State law requires that this form be completed and updated by parents or legal guardians.  Parents must immediately inform the office in writing of any changes or additions to this form.  This page of the application contains information about your child’s medical history, allergies, medical plan and number, and who to contact in case of an emergency if we are unable to locate the child’s parents.


Emergency Procedures


If a child becomes ill or is seriously injured, the child’s parents will be contacted immediately.  Parents are required by law to be readily available for the school to contact them in the event of an emergency at school.


If the school is unable to contact a child’s parent(s), the designee(s) on the child’s application will be called to act on the parent’s behalf.  If the school is unable to contact the parent(s) or designee(s), we will contact the child’s medical provider as stated on the record of the child.


When a child is in need or seems to be in need of immediate hospital care, we will call 911, notify one of the parents or designees on the application and have the child taken to the Maui Memorial Medical Center.


An adult shall accompany the child to the emergency area and shall stay with the child until a parent or designee assumes responsibility for the child.



Hygiene Rules


Parents are responsible for assisting their child to maintain good health habits such as:

  • Keeping clean.

  • Keep fingernails short.

  • Wear appropriate clothing.

  • Wash hands carefully.

  • Use a handkerchief or facial tissue correctly.


Injury Reports


For minor injuries, band-aids will be used for cuts or scrapes and ice for bumps or bruises.  State Law prohibits the application and usage of un-prescribed medicines, including alcohol and antibiotic ointments.  A “Student Injury Report” will be sent through Brightwheel.


Medical Expenses


Parents (or guardians) are responsible for all of the medical expenses incurred by their child at or away from the school, including emergency trips to a hospital or clinic.




Any medication to be given to a child in school will need to be in the original container with clear instructions, the doctor’s name and a recent date on the label.  A form entitled, “Medication Release Form,” authorizing the teacher to give your child the medication must be filled out the first day medication is administered, stating the length of time it needs to be given.  A new form needs to be completed each week.  The school and staff are not responsible for any side effects or failure to administer the medicine.  A doctor must prescribe medication.  We do not administer “over the counter” medications.


Preventative Health Measures


Parents must keep their child at home if he or she has any of the following symptoms: colds, earache, red eyes, chills, sneezing, sore throat, fever, vomiting, listlessness, diarrhea, impetigo, ukus (head lice), or any symptoms of any communicable disease.  If a child in school has any of these symptoms, the parents will be called to take their child home.


Uku checks are done every Monday morning or on the first day returning to school if there is a long weekend.  Parents are asked to wait as their child is being checked.  If ukus or nits are found, the child will be sent home and can return only after treatment and when there are no live ukus or eggs left in the hair.  The child’s hair will be checked before readmitting.


Fingernails and front hair should be kept short.  The girls’ long front hair should be pinned up.




To ensure the health and safety of all children, we ask that parents apply sunscreen to their children before school each day. Staff will not apply sunscreen during the day.


 washing hands


Washing hands is a huge part of keeping germs away. Washing hands in a public place looks a little different than it will be at home. When we teach them to wash their hands they are to:


  1. Wet their hands under running water

  2. Put soap on hands and “make bubbles.”

  3. Rinse

  4. Before turning off the water, they have to get a paper towel first, dry their hands, then use the towel to cover the faucet handle and turn off the water using the paper towel. 


This is a life skill in a public place. We don’t ever want them to waste water and they do not need to do this at home, however, we want them to be healthy and safe when not at home. When you see your child washing their hands this way at school, please do not tell them to turn off the water first. They are learning to keep germs away when out in public where they may pick up from other people.











Coronavirus (Covid)

For at least 5 days after testing positive or longer until symptom free for 24 hours without medication.


For at least 5 days after the rash appears or until vesicles become dry

Conjunctivitis, acute, bacterial (pink eye)

For duration of acute infection

Influenza (flu)

For 7 days after onset of illness


For 4 full days after rash appears


For 9 days after onset of swelling or parotitis (inflammation of parotid glands – large salivary glands situated below and in front of ear)

Rubella (German Measles)

For 7 full days after rash appears


For 1 day after treatment is completed

Beta Hemolytic Streptococcus 

Group A

Infection (Strep Throat)

For 2 full days after start of antibiotic treatment

Active Tuberculosis

Until authorized to return by the Hawaii 

Department of Health

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Until sores have healed


Maui, District Health Office, State Building, 

54 High Street, Wailuku 


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